Grindstone: Cartoony violent puzzle-slasher
Since 2019 and 2020, Nintendo Switch and smartphone gamers have been enjoying Grindstone’s wonderfully nasty puzzle-slasher. It’s now coming to PC, as are practically all games. Capybara Games has announced that Grindstone will be available exclusively on the Epic Games Store on Thursday, May 20. The PC version will contain all previous upgrades, including the […]
Pixel Tactics: Card battler inspired by Final Fantasy
Pixel Tactics Online is a digital translation of Level 99 Games’ videogame-inspired physical card battler, which will be released on Steam this summer. (It will therefore be a videogame influenced by a card game influenced by videogames.) Pixel Tactics’ cards depict characters based on well-known RPG classes such as knight, assassin, and summoner. Each player […]
Sophie’s Safecracking Simulator teaches me how to picklock “professionally”
I can’t tell you how many locks I’ve picked and safes I’ve cracked in video games. Thousands, most likely. However, picking a lock or unlocking a safe is generally performed by a simple little minigame that has little to do with how locks actually function. Sophie’s Safecracking Simulator, on the other hand, not only allows […]