A sequel to the quirky hospital sim Two Point Hospital has been leaked on the Microsoft Store. Two Point Campus allows you to create and operate your own institution, complete with unique curricula like Knight School and Gastronomy.
Campus appeared in the Microsoft Store a few hours ago, and the page has since been removed. They could have waited till I completed writing this piece, but happily, the game description and photos have been retained in a few places, including Quarter To Three’s forum. TurinTur from the QuarterToThree forum, thank you.
Two Point Institution will add additional creative tools to the Two Point formula, allowing you to nurture outdoor places for your campus. Meanwhile, classes will include Knight School, where students will learn the art of jousting, and Gastronomy, which will teach pupils how to cook “huge pizzas and big pies.” The jousting and an enormous pizza may be seen in the screenshots below, which were stolen from the now-defunct Microsoft Store website.
I especially enjoy the last screenshot, which appears to be of Oxford. I had no idea I desired a university simulation until today. According to the shop description, your Campus tenure will begin over the summer vacation “allowing you enough time to set things in order before your students arrive. Build libraries, employ the greatest faculty (from quirky professors to madcap researchers), equip your campus with the greatest courses, and watch as your students’ intellectual potential is awakened!”
Actually, there appears to be a strong emphasis on the pupils. You will “Clubs, organisations, and concerts will keep them entertained. Surround them with friends, assist them in developing relationships, provide pastoral care, and ensure they have the correct amount of joie de vivre to mature into amazing individuals who will do your university’s history well.”
All while, perhaps, saddling them with massive debt. There is no set release date for Two Point Campus, however the Microsoft Store (at least until it withdrew the page) indicates that it will be available for PC and the different Xbox platforms.