Sky Beneath, a narrative-driven puzzle platformer, has lately appeared on Steam, with a release date of this year planned, and a free trial that seems interesting. Mindhaven Games’ indie is story-driven, with salvager Cassie searching for scrap around abandoned sites. To move around, you must use your limited gravity control to navigate through numerous puzzle-like scenario rooms.
Cassie has the ability to walk on walls and ceilings, as well as shift the direction of gravity for things in her vicinity. Cassie moves from chamber to chamber by subjectively adjusting what’s up and what’s down for things like power generators and other strange puzzle objects—very it’s cool. The demo has some rather easy puzzles, but it’s evident from that short taste that Mindhaven’s fundamentals will allow for some rather bizarre puzzle possibilities.
It’s also a nice-looking game, produced in Unreal and with complex, gorgeous settings to explore. But I’ll tell you ahead of time: it’s quite simple to become bewildered. I didn’t have motion sickness, but you may. Sky Beneath is available on Steam and via the Mindhaven Games website.