This month marks Valorant’s first birthday. To commemorate the occasion, Riot revealed a sneak glimpse at the game’s next Agent at today’s Summer Game Fest launch presentation. But believe me when I say it’s really brief.
The footage, which may last three seconds, shows an incomplete robot hanging in a warehouse as a mechanized head flickers to life. Is this the brand-new Agent? Is this robot the work of the new Agent? Who among us has the authority to say?
If the robo is the new agent, it would be a first for the game’s ever-expanding roster. Valorant’s talents are normally focused on magic rather than technology, so unless the new agent is a technowizard (which is conceivable), they’ll likely specialize in fancy techs like Cypher and Killjoy.
Unfortunately, that’s all we have for now. We’re hoping for a complete revelation of this mysterious robot by the end of June.