Apex Legends will include ranked arenas starting next season.

Apex Legends’ new 3v3 Arenas mode has already proven itself as an excellent alternative to battle royale. Now that we’ve all warmed up, Respawn is ready to put us through our paces by creating a ranked queue for Arenas.

Arenas, which was introduced earlier this season, reduces Apex to round-based, 3v3 elimination bouts. Each round, similar to CS:GO or Valorant, grants you a small amount of cash to spend on firearms, upgrades, equipment, and Legend abilities, with resource cans strewn around maps to replenish your wallet for the next round.

It’s a tight, stressful way to experience Apex’s excellent gunfights, and it’ll be accompanied by a fresh new map next week. However, the lack of a ranked Arenas playlist was noticeable at debut. During the Future of FPS event at EA Play, game director Chad Grenier announced that ranked play will be available in Season 10.

Grenier didn’t go into detail on how ranked would operate in Arenas, but it’ll most likely be similar to how it works in the battle royale, with identical skill groupings and badge/charm awards for each. With BR’s rating system designed to support 60-player matches, Arenas may alternatively choose for a more conventional Overwatch or Valorant-style system, in which placement matches decide your rank.

A ranking system might also assist Arenas’ quitting problem, which continues despite efforts to penalize quitting. We’ll find out how it works when Season 10 arrives next month, bringing with it an as-yet-unknown new legend and probable map modifications. Let’s hope for a rail revival on World’s Edge.

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