Back 4 Blood, Turtle Rock’s Left 4 Dead successor, offered us a sneak glance at its monsters vs survivors PVP offering, Swarm mode.
Swarm made a brief cameo in a new teaser at the Xbox & Bethesda Game presentation, harkening back to the good old days of L4D Versus. While four players will run and shoot as normal, they will go up against an opposing squad of Back 4 Blood’s “Ridden.”
These players will face off against a variety of exotic infected versions, such as a brainy boy who can jump and pin survivors, a one-armed brute who can hoist them aloft, a barfing lad, and others. Again, it’s evocative of L4D’s zombie rogue’s gallery, but I’m curious to see how Turtle Rock incorporates these new monsters into the mix.
The teaser also hints at the setting of B4B, promising some type of utterly huge undead kaiju. I’d hate to be the unfortunate guy that transformed like that after catching a case of zombie sickness.
Turtle Rock has also announced a specific delivery date after a few delays. Back 4 Blood will be available on PC on October 12 and will be included in the Xbox Game Pass at launch.