According to the independent creators at Prideful Sloth, their newest game “follows the cosy gaming wave,” and its pastel, pastoral ambiance certainly fits the description. Generate: Song of the Evertree is a world-building sandbox in which you play as an alchemist caring for a massive tree with spreading branches that grow small universes.
Alchemy allows you to cultivate floating islands and construct settlements to accommodate the inhabitants that dwell on the Evertree, but there are also caverns to explore, puzzles to solve, flowers and minerals to collect, and bugs to catch. If you bet on Grow having a fishing minigame, you may cash in your winnings at the door since it does.
Prideful Sloth, an Australian studio, previously created Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles, a gorgeous-looking and exceedingly relaxed game about repairing a beautiful fantasy world, but this time with the assistance of flying sprites. I’m suggesting they’ve got form when it comes to relaxed games.
Grow: Song of the Evertree will be released this year and has a Steam wishlist campaign. The more wishlists it receives, the higher its launch discount will be, and the more trees will be planted across the world through the Arbor Day Foundation.