The intriguing story adventure Last Stop, produced by the same team that worked in Virginia in 2016, and published by Annapurna Interactive, has been given a release date as part of this year’s Day of the Devs showcase.
Beginning July 22, you’ll be able to join three people as they struggle to uncover the meaning and origin of a strange green light that disrupts their mundane lives in otherworldly ways. Even after viewing the newest teaser, you might not understand what Last Stop is about, but you might have noticed that it’s incredibly British.
Recent reviews have revealed that this single-player adventure makes excellent use of its modern-day London environment. Not just by putting you on the tube and taking you to gentrified hipster neighborhoods, but also by putting you in the shoes of three quite ordinary folks simply trying to get by—a middle-aged single parent, a high school student, and a professional battling with work.
The release date trailer above, on the other hand, definitely tries to whet your appetite for the supernatural side of things. There’s a man with luminous green eyes who appears to be possessed by an extraterrestrial, a middle-aged man who appears to undergo a Freaky Friday-style body swap, and a researcher who is plunged into a green vortex.
I’m curious about all of these things, but I’m most enthusiastic about Last Stop since its game trailers have the true feel of movie trailers. People behave in dramatic ways, such as flinging glasses, surprising themselves with smooches, or looking into the green abyss with wide-open eyes. Even if the animation isn’t perfect, the whole presentation reminds me of what many people refer to as a “cinematic adventure.”
The environment also appears to be enjoyable, because, as beautiful as strange worlds and jungle settings are, it’s occasionally good to just engage with something familiar, right? I feel like games have a lot of Viking locales or apocalypses that take place in Oregon forests, but when do you ever get to see a regular tube stop in a game? Those things may be entertaining as well, and they lend Last Stop the air of a Doctor Who episode.
We’ll see how things shake out when Last Stop hits Steam on July 22.