Someone once said in a comment on a video by YouTube celebrity Dani that he probably couldn’t develop his own survival game. Most likely in reaction to criticism of another survival game. Naturally(???) Dani became enraged and resolved to show the person wrong. If you didn’t know this tale, that’s ok; neither did I until I realized that approximately 15,000 people were playing Muck, a game I’d never heard of that was published yesterday and has received overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Dani has created an entire video about it. That’s our salty YouTuber, who I’d never heard of before today. I must emphasize that when I say salty here, I do so with profound regard. My mantra inspires respect: “The finest retribution is to live well. The second greatest form of retaliation is absolutely proving someone incorrect.”
As a result Muck: A multiplayer survival-roguelike about gathering resources, discovering stuff, constructing a base, and surviving as long as possible against waves of adversaries. On Steam, it’s absolutely free. It’s been highly rated by what I can only imagine is a swarm of Dani’s admirers, but it’s also free and not bad. I played it for two hours and found it to be entertaining.
It’s free, and it’s not bad! I’m not sure how much more I can say in support. I suppose you may play it with your pals as well, but I couldn’t try that because I am currently working. It does, however, support both cooperative and competitive multiplayer, so no matter what type of survival game enthusiast you are, there’s something in here for you.