Red Notice is a 2021 American action-comedy film written and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber. It stars Dwayne Johnson as an FBI agent who reluctantly teams up with a renowned art thief (Ryan Reynolds) in order to catch an even more notorious criminal (Gal Gadot). The storyline is pretty simple and straightforward but that doesn’t make it boring. There are a lot of actions scenes and funny chase scenes. I don’t know I needed to watch The Rock Vs Gal Gadot until I watched this. Ryan Reynolds never fails to entertain as his character is super funny and full of unexpected decisions. Next is the plot twist. The plot twist is not the most epic thing in the world but it does add up to the overall excitement in this film. The production value is also very good. The probs and the set designs are gorgeous. Overall, it is super fun to watch and very enjoyable. A lot of funny moments to be enjoy while watching this film. My rate is 7/10 for this fun flick. Suitable for anyone who needs a fun film to relax.