The Tomorrow War is a 2021 sci-fi film. The story is about a biology teacher and former Green Beret, Dan Foster (Chris Pratt) who was recruited by a group of soldiers from the future to fight a war against alien invasion in their time known as the “White Spike”. The story is really engaging and really interesting. Although there are a few plot holes that are questionable by audience but they don’t really kill the film. This is one of the best alien films for this year. The aliens are super fierce as they are opposing real threats to the characters. The actions scenes are incredible and satisfying to watch. The cinematography is something that keeps this film alive. There are a few shots that can be considered as “wallpaper material”. The characters are really great. Most of the actors played by their parts perfectly. Despite of the low rating by the professional critics, I do really think this film is good and fun to watch. My rating for this film is 8/10. It definitely deserves to be watch if you are a fan of alien movies.