Solve a mystery from your window in Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View

When you’re a private investigator, you’re always a private investigator. At least, that’s how it seems for Conway, a former private investigator who is drawn back into a web of conspiracies after a small girl goes missing in the neighbourhood.

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View, a gloomy thriller from White Paper Games, was announced during tonight’s Future Games Show. Conway, the resident snoop of Dahlia View, will be pivotal in helping solve Charlotte Morgan’s mystery, watching every raised fist and suspicious brow from his living room window.

Even if it may offer him an advantage in the mystery-solving area, it’s a little scary.

He is not, however, alone. Conway’s cop daughter is on the case, and it appears that additional individuals from across the street will be there to help you solve the mystery. But you’re not fully safe in your high-rise apartment, and the trailer suggests Conway could have some unexpected visitors if things go wrong.

White Paper previously worked on The Occupation, a politically tinged journalistic thriller that we might have enjoyed more if it hadn’t been so buggy. Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View will be available on Steam in August.

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