Tunic, the Legend of Zelda-like being developed by indie developer Andrew Shouldice and published by Finji, has received a new teaser. While the trailer is short, the hype for the game is palpable, and the game seems to be progressing well.
Tunic made its debut at E3 2018, and it immediately piqued the interest of many, as it evokes classic Legend of Zelda games while maintaining its own distinct feel. The dynamic design itself is charming, and the fact that the player protagonist is a fox knight is impossible to overlook.
The most recent trailer, posted by the official Tunic game Twitter page, is merely a gif of the fox heading into what appears to be a massive temple. The doors open with excellent animation, and the sound of this brief clip helps set the mood for the game’s size. The last little preview like this was posted in December, and it showed the fox jumping into some snow, which was adorable. This film, on the other hand, seems to show off more true gameplay and visuals of a place that players will eventually look forward to visiting when the game is out, which is expected later this year.

Tunic and Zelda similarities can be a bit of a double-edged sword. In the one hand, there are many gamers who would like to play any game that is close to Zelda, and being compared to one of the greatest franchises in gaming history is a huge honour. In the other side, it is important to stand out. This tiny teaser really helps distinguish Tunic, as it seems to be less like Zelda and more like its own distinct experience.
Tunic is currently in beta for PC, Mac, and Xbox One, with a release date of 2021 planned.